Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's Business Time?

All good things come to an end. I see mine coming over the horizon. Someone has definitely pulled the zip on the cover of my little, hidden-away den. My life as it has been for the past year and more needs to end. The problem is this, I am yet unsure if I am still capable of being who I am supposed to be. My carefree bubble has been popped and right now, I have yet to scramble and do what I am expected to... or is it that I don't know how to?

I now sit here sleepless looking at my bleak future and wondering where I will be in about two to three months from now. Emotionally numb, it seems rationality has chosen this very period of time to elude me as well. It seemed fitting that all the shit in the proverbial bucket would have to pour all over my face at one go. To top things off, I also feel completely stupid and unintelligent. Bright prospects indeed.

I am as optimistic as ever. God save the Queen.


Anonymous said...

*stands balancing on two toes on one foot with both hands stretched out*

Wayne said...

What the... do you want a hug?