Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I had a dream last night. I know we all dream but how many people create a song in the dream? I can only remember the general content of the lyrics and of course the type of song it was. Coming from myself, it was obviously an emotional love song. A sad one. I can't remember how the song goes and how it is sung but what I do know is that it was a song for You.

Remember once where you said you were destroying me? Although I denied it, both of us knew it was true. And it is. I know not what has become of the person I used to call myself. I am probably twenty times more irritable than I was before, I probably am less patient than I was before. Moody is the word constantly associable with me now. Interesting. I am much more quiet and less cheery. Destruction? Nice.

Maybe I should listen to you and believe this is all because I'm such an attention-seeker and everything that I'd ever done for you was because I wanted your attention. Well then you've justified how you were trying to extinguish my "crave" from the very beginning to the end of it all. Congratulations. Your ignoring of this annoying little brat has finally paid off. You finally have what you want. Now I have no one to seek attention from and no one around me to give my attention to. What will happen next? I shall curl into a ball and die. Oh wait, I have a poodle to help me do that now. Joy.

Keeping this entry short, I'd say that you were the best and the worst thing to ever have happenned to me. My 21st year was a blast. I love you (do you believe me now?!).

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