Friday, June 15, 2007

The BBQ Nite

Today was the day that we were preparing for. Went up to Subang to meet up with Shaun & Loretta to get some final jamming done. They went pretty well. After we'd finished that up, we went to pick JoA up. The guys wanted to have lunch so we did. After lunch, we went for some CS. Somehow, I managed to top-frag today. We got bored of CS after a while. We turned to Starcraft! It's been too long. I was pretty much playing the game myself till I noticed that Shaun had gotten wiped out. Then I somehow beat Loretta (haha). We just figured out we could play Diablo 2 when we had to leave (sigh).

On the way towards HUC where we (The Brotherhood of the Pink Ribbon), were to perform tonight for the BBQ Nite. We passed by a toppled car on the way. Oddest of oddities. There was an opened man-hole cover, the cops, the toppled car but no driver in sight, no skid marks, no broken glass, nothing. Odd. On reaching the foyer, where it was all going to happen, I was greeted with a voice which I never knew existed. Mary Lee. Amazing. She has such an amazing voice. Never thought that she could sing. Such talent.

When it came to our turn to do a sound check, we were asked to play a number. We chose the medley. The freaking medley. I emo-ed by just listening to the introduction of the first song. I have no idea why but something was off with the Chinese song. Well, after our sound check, I was just constantly emo-ing and when the performances began, the songs they played only intensified my emotions. Mary Lee & Kevin's performance was just so powerful. They were all mellow and soft songs but their choice of songs just plucked at my heart-strings like an eager harp. They did so well. Up next was Kingsley. I've heard some of Kingsley's songs before and he played the sweetest of songs for his girlfriend. They were so sweet.

We were up next. I was so nervous. From the beginning of the first song I felt like I needed to stand up but I kept in my seat. I guess it might've been obvious because I was a little fidgety. Really, I felt this absurd tingling in my chest. That happens everytime I get evaluation apprehension (go grab a psychology handbook :P). We sang the medley, I'm Yours, You & Me and wrapped the show up with When You Say Nothing At All. The Chinese song was wierd all over again. I don't know why. Maybe I was too emo-ed. To make myself feel better, I tried my hand at some one-liners to keep the crowd smiling. It worked, their laughter settled me a bit but I was still tingling. By the time we came to our last song, I couldn't take it any longer. I decided that I'd sing the last one standing up. Although this was probably the only song with mistakes by me and Shaun, this was probably the only song of the night where the audience actually sang along with a volume which could be heard. I'm glad I caught the crowd's attention. It took me long enough (==). I think people liked our performance. I'm glad they did. I glad we did it.

After the performance (since we were the last) the acoustics were all over. Friends were praising me left and right, I couldn't take it, not even in my normal state, let alone in my emo state. I need to learn how to accept compliments better. Really it's embarassing to act like a kid when I get them from people I'm not very close to all the time.
[Note: I'm not bragging, quite few people did come up to me with lines like "OMG you have such a nice voice..." and "You were brilliant Wayne!!"]

After playing some of the games organized by the council, we (a whole bunch of us: Loretta, Shaun, JoA, Munn, The Fuz, JoJo, Bunny, Yi Yang, Ivy, Kristy & Deon) went off to Murni's to grab some grub since Loretta & I didn't eat anything. Had a hard time trying to finish what I ordered (Napoleon Fried Rice - Fried Rice w/ fries, keropok & cordon bleu). The fact that I kept bursting out in laughter every minute didn't help with digestion at all either. At long last I finished my food and watched as Loretta didn't (he ordered the same thing I did, haha).

When we were done with the food, JoJo, The Fuz, Loretta & myself went off to play some CS while the others left for home. CS wasn't fun. We were too far apart to have any real fun. I was emo-ing all the way now. I had a window-seat at the cybercafe. Whenever I had the time, I'd look out the window and just emo... After about an hour and a half, Loretta had to leave so we all did.

And that ended a pretty interesting day indeed. Still Emo.

1 comment:

joa said...

la.. you really should learn how to take compliments.. especially now since you are a BIG what la will you di when your groupies gush over you ^^...