Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Kreig-Commando Junkress

Today seemed like a rather bland day to begin with. I woke up at 8-something to find that i was sleeping face down and that i was lying on my dislodged shoulder. I struggled to move. The anticipation of the impending pain was sincerely an obstacle which took me at the very least 2 minutes to overcome and to get a grip of my shoulder as I attempted to push my shoulder back into place. It crunched back into place. Ouch. That done, I returned to sleep, writhing in pain. I woke up about 4-5 hours later to find that I not only had a throbbing shoulder but I also felt like a steam-roller did a number on my lumbar.

Ah, food. It seems there was no lunch for me at home. I resorted to making some French Toast for myself. It's been a while since I'd touched the wok. I can still make a decent serving of French Toast (yay!).

Was thinking that I should get some work done or at least I should've studied some since my mid-terms for my Social Psychology class were on Tuesday but that all didn't happen. I suddenly had the urge to play Granado Espada. I did that till 5-ish. I then got a message from The Fuz saying that he was going up to Midvalley to get the survey for liquor done (some survey which I was also going to participate in). (*Poof*, the could-have-been-productive-day goes up in smoke)

After leaving the house abruptly without having dinner, I got a taste of some of the traffic which JoA had sufferred earlier today while going home from college. After completing the interesting survey in which left me feeling no less than an alcoholic and almost as thirsty as one, The Fuz & I met up with JoA in MPH and went off for dinner. Murni's!! On reaching Murni's, we called JoJo who was coincidentally around the area as well and was more than happy to join us for dinner. After a happy and satiating dinner, we took a peek at the movies available in the DVD store near Murni's and I picked up the 3rd movie from the Monty Python's collection (yay again!).

Some discussion and decisions later, we were bound for Subang to drop off JoA's car and then headed off to a cybercafe. After searching for a place which wasn't filled to the brim with eager gamers, we began playing Counter-Strike. At first my mind was more occupied with what JoA was going to do while The Fuz, JoJo & myself shot each other silly but interestingly enough, JoA joined in on the massacre and we ended up playing against AI. It was maddenning fun. Everytime one of us died we cracked up and began laughing at the antics which we could and couldn't pull off. Although she started off slow, JoA soon warmed up, found herself a favourite rifle (the Kreig-Commando) and began ravaging the opponent. She beat me flat (sheesh).

Although I was struggling to stay awake half the time (damn my body clock), it was a fun night. I enjoyed myself and I'm glad to hear that everyone had a good time. So tomorrow it's back to the real world again. (=D)


joa said...

wayne chua.. DO NOT exaggerate la... -_-

Wayne said...

What are you talking about? I speak the truth and only the truth with a bit of pepper and salt here and there ;)