Thursday, May 07, 2009

This side...

Another dream. About less than half a year ago, the dreams were of things we had done together, things we used to do, things I loved to do. I would wake up angry, angry at myself for having let such bliss slip, angry at You for having let these times fade. Today's was different. They have been different for a little while now. Perception. I feel somewhat happier now. I have always been somewhat happy inside. Just to see that You seem happier since You left me, more free, more... You.
I am happy for you. Apologies for the lack of physical distance between us sometimes. I have tried my best to give you space and time. I know not if my attempts were successful so I can only hope that they were of help. I know not what You are going through, I did my most to pay as little attention as I could but never could I stop wondering about what you might be doing and how you might be feeling.
With this, I might reiterate that I wish You happiness and that I hope someday soon, like we once talked about almost a year ago that we might one day sit down and enjoy a meal together like the friends we want to be. I can only hope that it is not only "the friends that I want to be".

No further pinch.

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